





Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) augments natural hormone production, restoring it to normal levels.

BHRT uses compounds identical in molecular structure and chemistry to the hormones naturally produced in your body.

BHRT can relieve symptoms of hormone imbalance, prevent memory loss, improve cardiovascular health, and bone production, growth and repair.

Testosterone and estrogen imbalances cause issues like hot flashes, night sweats, low sex drive, sleeplessness, and mood changes.


Hormone replacement, administered through pellet implants, was used with great success in the U.S., Europe and Australia since 1938. In fact, pellets were the popular mode of hormone administration in the U.S. until the 1970s, when oral and topical commercial products were developed. 

In the last 10 years, health professionals have improved this process and attained a better knowledge of the benefits of pellet implants for hormone replacement. These key improvements have increased the popularity of hormone pellet administration in the U.S. once again.

Greater than 70 years of research illustrates the benefits of pellet implants for the administration of hormones in both women and men.

What Are

The Benefits



  • Consistent physiologic levels of hormones
  • Maintenance and improvement of bone density
  • No negative impact on the body’s clotting factors, blood pressure, lipid levels, glucose or liver function

Hormone pellets are known to improve:

  • Cardiovascular Health
  • Libido
  • Headaches and Migraines
  • Insomnia
  • Hot Flashes
  • Mood
  • Depression
  • Joint Aches and Pains



Are Available

In Pellets

Estradiol and Testosterone are available in pellet form. Multiple doses are available depending on each patient’s individual needs

Where Are

The Pellets


Hormone pellet insertion is a relatively simple in-office procedure done under local anesthesia. After numbing the area, pellet insertion is done subcutaneously (under the fatty lining of the skin), either in the lower abdomen or the upper buttocks through a small incision. A FHC practitioner then seals the incision with surgical glue or sterile-tape strips. The implants under the skin consistently release small, physiologic doses of hormones which produce positive side effects.

How long do BHRT pellets last?

Hormone pellets typically last between three-four months for women and four-five months for men. Women require a smaller, frequent dosage of testosterone in order to avoid excessive blood levels. The exact replacement time depends on how rapidly the hormones metabolize in each individual patient. After the insertion of the pellets, patients should typically avoid vigorous physical activity for two-three days (or as the doctor suggests). Patients may begin to feel symptom relief anywhere between 48 hours to two-three weeks, depending on the individual hormone levels and dosage. Patients do not need a removal procedure for the hormone pellets because they completely dissolve on their own.

Are There

Any Side


Generally, there are minimal side-effects with the pellet implant procedure. Side effects can include: minor bleeding, bruising, infection and pellet extrusion. However, negative side effects or complications are rare. Patients may experience side effects from the hormones themselves. These side effects vary for each individual and patients should discuss symptoms with their FHC provider.

How Do I

Know If The

Pellets Are

Right For Me?

Before starting any hormone replacement therapy, patients should work directly with a knowledgeable provider to have hormone testing done. Hormone testing evaluates an individual’s personal hormone profile. Existing hormone levels and health history will determine the hormone replacement recommendation. After the first insertion of pellets, we will reevaluate hormone levels prior to the next treatment. Once providers establish the proper pellet dosage, testing is less frequent.

How Much

Do The

Pellets Cost?

The cost for the insertion of pellets will vary depending on the dose of the hormone and the number of pellets the patient needs. Pellet insertion takes place two to four times a year, depending on how rapidly a patient metabolizes hormones. Men need a larger dose of testosterone than women, which increases the cost of the hormone treatment.



Cover Pellets?

Bioidentical hormone pellets are generally not covered by insurance. However, prevention is cost effective especially in comparison to treating diseases of aging.


Painless and quick

Pellets contain compressed hormones, and insertion takes just a few minutes. Using a local anesthetic, we make a small incision in the upper buttock area. We then use a device to insert pellets about a half-inch under the skin.

Minimally invasive

The incision required is tiny (about 1 cm). Usually, it doesn’t require stitches and can be closed with a strip of wound closure tape. This falls off by itself after about a week. Pellets are also completely biodegradable under the skin, leaving no residue.

Short recovery

The incision required is tiny (about 1 cm). Usually, it doesn’t require stitches and can be closed with a strip of wound closure tape. This falls off by itself after about a week. Pellets are also completely biodegradable under the skin, leaving no residue.

Consistent delivery

Once inserted, pellets dissolve slowly over about four months. That means they’ll provide a steady dose of hormones. You’ll avoid the ups and downs seen with other delivery methods like weekly injections.

Long term results

You should start feeling effects within a couple weeks — often in the first few days. After one treatment, results typically last for 3–6 months. With other delivery methods, another new dose might be required every week.

Easy and worry-free

Self-injecting hormones can bring pain, inconvenience, and several side effects not seen with pellets. Additionally, pellet hormones can’t contaminate family members or pets — unlike with creams and gels applied to your skin.

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